This is a usefull script that performs a standard MySQL database dump but includes the functionality to backup users and user permisions in addition to the datain the database.
# Copyright (c) 2005 nixCraft project
# This script is licensed under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above
# Author Vivek Gite
# Addapted to grab multiple databases and users by Dale Caon and output to file rather than another database
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# SETME First - local mysql user/pass
#### Edit below at own risk! #####
# Set up folder and file to hold user and data dump
if [ -d $_folder ]
#Don't do anything
echo -n '' > "$_folder/$_file"
mkdir -p "$_folder/"
cd $_folder
# Make sure you can connect to local db server
mysqladmin -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" ping &>/dev/null || { echo "Error: Mysql server is not online or incorrect values set for _lusr, _lpass, and _lhost"; exit 2; }
##### Step 1: Okay build .sql file with db dump ####
for i in $(mysql -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" -e'show databases' | sed '1,1d' | grep -v 'information_schema' | grep -v 'mysql'); do
echo "create database IF NOT EXISTS $i; " >> "$_file"
#### Step 2: Build mysql query to grab all privs and user@host combo for given db_username ####
mysql -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" -B -N \
-e "SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT('SHOW GRANTS FOR ''',user,'''@''',host,''';') AS query FROM user" \
mysql \
| mysql -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" \
| grep -v root | grep -v debian-sys-maint \
| sed 's/Grants for .*/#### &/' | sed 's/$/;/'\
| sed 's/\\\\_/_/' >> "$_file"
#### Step 3: Dump database contents for all databases ####
for i in $(mysql -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" -e'show databases' | sed '1,1d' | grep -v 'information_schema' | grep -v 'mysql'); do
echo "use $i;" >> "$_file"
mysqldump -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" "$i" >> "$_file"
## Compressing SQL ##
tar -zcf $_file.tar.gz $_file
rm $_file |
# Copyright (c) 2005 nixCraft project
# This script is licensed under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above
# Author Vivek Gite
# Addapted to grab multiple databases and users by Dale Caon and output to file rather than another database
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# SETME First - local mysql user/pass
#### Edit below at own risk! #####
# Set up folder and file to hold user and data dump
if [ -d $_folder ]
#Don't do anything
echo -n '' > "$_folder/$_file"
mkdir -p "$_folder/"
cd $_folder
# Make sure you can connect to local db server
mysqladmin -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" ping &>/dev/null || { echo "Error: Mysql server is not online or incorrect values set for _lusr, _lpass, and _lhost"; exit 2; }
##### Step 1: Okay build .sql file with db dump ####
for i in $(mysql -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" -e'show databases' | sed '1,1d' | grep -v 'information_schema' | grep -v 'mysql'); do
echo "create database IF NOT EXISTS $i; " >> "$_file"
#### Step 2: Build mysql query to grab all privs and user@host combo for given db_username ####
mysql -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" -B -N \
-e "SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT('SHOW GRANTS FOR ''',user,'''@''',host,''';') AS query FROM user" \
mysql \
| mysql -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" \
| grep -v root | grep -v debian-sys-maint \
| sed 's/Grants for .*/#### &/' | sed 's/$/;/'\
| sed 's/\\\\_/_/' >> "$_file"
#### Step 3: Dump database contents for all databases ####
for i in $(mysql -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" -e'show databases' | sed '1,1d' | grep -v 'information_schema' | grep -v 'mysql'); do
echo "use $i;" >> "$_file"
mysqldump -u "$_lusr" -p"$_lpass" -h "$_lhost" "$i" >> "$_file"
## Compressing SQL ##
tar -zcf $_file.tar.gz $_file
rm $_file
I hope you find this usefull.
About admin
Australian Network for Art and Technology [ANAT]
[email protected] | ph: +61 8 8231 9037 | |
Twitter: __ANAT | Facebook:
The Australian Network for Art and Technology (ANAT) is supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory Governments; the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and the South Australian Government through Arts SA.